PSV Maintenance

Tawteen, Localizing Revolutionary In-Situ PSV Testing Technology

Jaidah Energy is honored to have received an award from Tawteen for our efforts in localizing in-situ Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) testing technology.

The in-situ PSV testing technology is set to revolutionize PSV maintenance practices in the industry. Unlike traditional methods, where all PSVs are removed and transported to workshops for testing, our innovative approach allows for testing directly at the production site. With this technology, only the valves requiring maintenance are removed, significantly optimizing the entire process.

Pressure Safety Valve in-situ testing

Our methods are based on well-known practices and follow the industry standards. The tests we perform in situ will provide the same information you get from testing the PSV in a workshop.

Through Inline X testing and smart digitization, we:

• minimize risk
•‍ ensure test integrity
• improve valve reliability
•‍ contribute to sustainability